A little more than a hundred kilometres in the north is not as easy as it might seem. Exposed sections of Elbe sandstone rocks combine with wide, narrow forest trails along their foothills. The valleys of streams and rivers give a shady and balmy touch to the sun-drenched experience of rocky viewpoints with historical significance. The Ridge Trail offers various biotope faces in Bohemian Switzerland. Our equipment, gear, and travelling equipment should also correspond to this.

When planning our visit to the Ridge Trail, we should consider the season as it will determine the thickness and functionality of our clothing. Whether we start from the Tisá/Petrovice side or the Stožecké sedlo/Jedlová side, we should prepare for sweating. The trip involves around four thousand meters of cumulative climbing, spread over four days, averaging about a kilometer per day.

In the summer, a lightweight sports T-shirt with good sweat-wicking and quick-drying properties will be the main and possibly the only layer you'll need. You can choose something from the running, trekking, or speed hiking collection. Many people have had positive experiences with woolen underwear, even in hot weather. The key is to choose the right weight. High-quality wool sportswear offers several significant benefits, even in higher temperatures. Firstly, natural fibers have the magical ability to effectively manage accumulated moisture and act as a natural air conditioner. Wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight and then release it into the surrounding environment, which can help keep the body cool in the summer.

In colder temperatures, it's important to layer clothes effectively. A base layer made of wool or a suitable synthetic material will help wick away moisture and retain thermal insulation even when wet. Wool also has antibacterial properties, which helps clothes stay in good condition for longer, prevents the growth of microorganisms, and eliminates unpleasant odors. It's essential to be prepared for variable weather conditions during long-distance hikes. Always pack an insulating (second) layer, such as a light fleece sweatshirt, a sports softshell, or a lightweight down windbreaker, in a well-fitting backpack.

It's also important to have the right gear with you in case it starts raining unexpectedly. You could carry waterproof and windproof pants with full-opening zippers and a lightweight jacket with a well-designed hood. When packed, each of these items can take up about the same space as a coffee mug and weigh no more than a bag of candy.

Our multi-mile trek will require appropriate footwear. Individuals who are agile and stocky may prefer low shoes for their lightweight and better ventilation, while others may prefer ankle-high shoes. In any case, it is advisable to have off-road soles that will support us during steep forest climbs, on sandstone rock, and even on wet iron ladders on the way to popular viewpoints.
Good trekking socks are closely related to footwear. Even the best shoe, when combined with an unsuitable sock, can cause unpleasant chafing or blisters after several days of use. Socks are often an unfairly overlooked item of hiking gear, but it pays to invest in proven brands and models.
High-quality hiking and trekking poles can be a perfect help, especially if you want to relieve stress on your knee joints. They can reduce up to 30% of the load, and in addition, involve the whole body in the movement, which can be beneficial. If you choose a folding model, you can easily stow them in your hiking backpack when climbing along railings to unique viewpoints on the route.

Due to the presence of watercourses and surfaces (in some seasons), it is important to use a suitable repellent product. Also, wear headgear with a peak and well-fitting sunglasses with a high-quality UV filter.
It's crucial to pay reasonable attention to choosing good equipment. This largely determines the quality of our memories of a trip to the interior of Bohemian Switzerland. We want our memories and individual pieces of equipment to be as positive and of the highest quality as possible!
Author of the text and photos: www.hudy.cz
