Stage #5 Hind Bohemian Switzerland
From one river to another, crossing Pauline's Valley, navigating through rock crevices and a deserted village to a tomb with a heating plant (23 km)
Jetřichovice – Rynartice – Narrow Steps – Doubice – Kyjov Valley – Krásná Lípa

23 km

791 m

590 m
The Ridge Trail will lead you through the picturesque and serene Pauline's Valley of the Chřibská Kamenice River to the renowned Dwarf Rock. Here, you can marvel at the forest elves carved into the sandstone almost two hundred years ago. The trail then winds around Cross Hill, offering unexpected and stunning photo opportunities along forest paths, leading up to a rock crevice. You'll find ladders to conquer the "Narrow Stairs" and travel through a lesser-known rock town nestled in the forest, passing Doubice, an open-air museum of stilt houses, before reaching the Kyjov Valley.
Attractions within easy reach
Pauline's Valley (on the route)
Cross Hill (+ 0.3 km)
Narrow Stairs (on the route)
Jewelery (+ 0.4 km)

Elevation profile of the stage. The relative height of 0 m is at the end of the stage.
Take the path to the dam on Sýrový brook for a quiet and romantic swimming spot. Follow the Ridge Trail into the rocks above Kyjov Valley, leading to an ancient prospector's camp called Kyjovský hrádek. Descend through another rock crevice to the banks of Křinice. Walk through the Kyjov Valley and the village of the same name, ascending through meadows and the remains of the extinct village of Hely on Kamenná Horka (Stony Hillock). From there, you will see your destination, the town of Krásná Lípa. Pass through the forest park to the tomb of the factory owner Dittrich, a unique building that used to be heated from a nearby boiler house. After a while, you will arrive in the square of Krásná Lípa.
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