Stage #4 Through Jetřichovice Area
On forest paths, through the stone gate to the rock castle, and Jetřichovice lookouts (12 km).
Mezní Luka – Malá Pravčická brána – Šaunštejn – Jetřichovice lookouts – Jetřichovice

12 km

619 m

655 m
You will hike through the woods between Mezní Louka and Jetřichovice to the Small Pravčická Gate. This gate invites you to climb to the rock lookout, and then you will descend along the sandy path between the rocks to the foot of the former robber castle of Šaunštejn. Climbing to the top of the rock massif is now easier than ever, thanks to the newly built ladders and the provision of the summit plateau. Šaunštejn is likened to a ship stuck in the woods, and the views from its "bow" are simply stunning.
Attractions within easy reach
Malá Pravčická brána (na trase)
Rock castle Šaunštejn (on the route)
Jetřichovice lookouts (on the route)
Havraní vrch (Rook Hill) conflagration (within the sight)

Elevation profile of the stage. The relative height of 0 m is at the beginning of the stage.
Walking along the Czech Road, a historical trade route to Saxony, the Ridge Trail around the niche rock chapel will guide you to the first of the three legendary rock lookouts above Jetřichovice, Rudolph's Stone. They bear the names of members of the noble Kinsky family. After you've descended and enjoyed the views, the rugged trail will lead you along the ridge of the Jetřichovice rocks, first to Vilemina's lookout and finally to the most famous, Maria's Rock. Here, on the sharp summit, you can enjoy the relief of both Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland from the newly built pavilion in its original form - Mary's Lookout, which the Czech nobleman Ferdinand Kinský gave to his wife, Maria Anna, as a wedding gift in 1856. The steep descent to Jetřichovice will provide ample time to appreciate Rook Rock, a testament to nature's resilience restored after the devastating fire in 2006.
Recommended services on the route