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stage #3 Around Hřensko

Views of the Bohemian Switzerland walls and over the Kamenice Gorge to the forest oasis (10 km)

Hřensko – Janov – Hájenky – Mezní můstek – Mezná – Mezní Louka

11 km


373 m


224 m

The Ridge Trail starts in Hřensko and quickly ascends to Labská vyhlídka (Lookout Labská), a beautiful spot above the village offering views of the river and the Hřensko valley. The trail continues through the forest to the meadow top of Písečný vrch (Sand Hill) and up to the Janov lookout tower. From the tower, you can enjoy breathtaking views of Stříbrné (Silver), Dlouhodolské, and Křídelní (Wing) Walls, as well as the Pravčická Gate. You can also see the slowly regenerating fire area resulting from the natural disaster of 2022.

Attractions within easy reach

Old gas station Hřensko (+ 1.5 km)

Elisalex viewpoint (on the route)

Windmill Janov (+ 0.2 km)

Růženka Lookout (+ 4 km from Hájenky)

Lookout tower Janov (on the route)


Elevation profile of the stage. The relative height of 0 m is at the beginning of the stage.

The Ridge Trail nearly reaches an exciting natural museum, the Indian village of Rosehill, before sharply turning away and descending to the bottom of the Kamenice River gorge. After Mezní můstek, the path ascends steeply to Mezná, the only village in the national park territory. Following steep descents and ascents, it's a delight to continue along the most beautiful alley of Bohemian Switzerland, a road lined with ancient maples, to Mezní Louka, an oasis amidst rocks and forests.

Recommended services on the route
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